Sunday, November 10, 2013


WED.  11/13
3:30p Call
4:30p  Go
Notes to follow the run.
Full tech and costumes - but no blood effects.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Schedule Weeks 6 - 10

The schedule for the remainder of our journey is now available by clicking HERE.

There have been some small extensions in time, so as to allow for proper tech procedures.  This varies slightly from the general overview schedule initially published.  For instance, on tech rehearsals, the new release time is 7p instead of 6:30p.  I would rather add time now than hold you over and go late. I will always do my best to release you on time!

Please look at it carefully and read the "NOTE".  There's important info here.  If anything is confusing, please ask for clarification.

Getting really exciting now!!!

Friday, October 18, 2013

Sat. 10/19 Reminders

1.  Bring your potluck food.  Finger food is best.  Remember, there will be no official "lunch".  You will have many breaks throughout the day to graze at the food table.  So think about bringing healthier food.  Fruit.  Veggies.  Lean meats.  Nuts.  Hummus.  All good stuff.  Certainly some dessert is fine.  Also...don't feel obligated to try and feed an army!  I think there will be plenty of food.

2.  Dress in layers.  It may be cold.  Or hot.  Or who knows?

3.  If you are not yet solid on lines, do everything you can to be off book!!!  This is critical to moving forward.  So far, you've all done a nice job with this...but there are certainly sections that need work.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Costume Request


Below is a list of items that are being proposed as possible costume pieces for you.  Do not misunderstand.  In no way are you responsible for your own clothes - do not purchase anything!!!  The idea is to see if you are willing to loan something to the department for the show.  This will help reduce expenses, thus helping the show make more money.  

If you do bring something in and we choose to use it, it will have to stay in the dressing rooms from Saturday 10/19 all the way through closing.  So make sure you're willing to do without it for a month or so.  Also, please don't loan anything that is of great value to you.

Please bring the things listed by your name in before or by this Saturday 10/19

Please note that the Connect Four items are more for "ideas" -at least for what is worn on top.  We may be able to use your pants, but shirts and the like get bloodied and will likely be purchased.

And Counting
Jillian Briglia: short skirt (cream colored) / 'tie at the bottom' shirt (bright colored) / ballet flats / tights (optional) 

Natina Gilbert: shorts (bright colored) / v-neck t-shirt (white or gray) / converse 

Teis Jayaswal: khakis / button up long sleeve shirt / cardigan or sweater vest / bow tie / loafers

Lauren Knox: 'casual' slacks or jeans (black) / button up shirt (white) / shoes (black)

Miles Martin: straight leg pants (jeans or khakis) / polo / sweater to tie over shoulders / socks (bright pink) / loafers

Caleb Sohigian: baggy jeans or cargo pants / short sleeve button up shirt (checkered) / sneakers

Ingemar Hagan-Keith: sneakers / tight v-neck tee (light blue) / jeans

Molly McLean: jeans / boots (brown) / flannel

Nickey Olson: button-down shirt / jeans

Emma Siddall: blazer (maroon) / skirt (black) / keds

Connect Four
Katie McFarland: 2 skirts (brown) / boots

Lili McLaughlin: 2 cardigan / 2 pants (dark) / flats

Ben Pagano: polo shirt / khakis / lofers

Ross Reaume: 2 pairs of jeans / sneakers

Sunday, October 13, 2013

The "NO CONFLICTS" window is upon us!

This is a reminder that you all turned in signed audition forms that explicitly stated on page 4:  "These dates are mandatory for you to participate in the show:  9/28, 10/19, and 10/21 through 11/16."

I am posting this, because no conflicts are being considered whatsoever, beginning next week.  In fact, Margot did not even put them on the calendar. When the schedule is posted, you are expected to show up - no matter what.  The only exceptions would be extreme illness or other such emergencies.

If this comes as a surprise to you, and you are freaking out about a potential conflict, now is the time to email me and explain.  But I make no promises I will honor any requests.  With the show rapidly approaching, this now becomes your top extracurricular priority.

Monday, October 7, 2013

New Draft - Rubbish

If anyone is curious to see the new developments in Rubbish, click HERE for a new download.